Conception and Due Date Calculator
Enter the date of your last menstrual period to calculate your conception date and expected due date.
Conception and Due Date Calculator
Enter the date of your last menstrual period to calculate your conception date and expected due date.
How does the calculator work?
Our due date calculator is based on your last menstrual period. Since ovulation occurs on average 14 days after the start of your period, it is possible to estimate your conception date and, consequently, your due date.
Calculation methods
- Last period date method: valid for regular cycles of approximately 28 days.
- Ultrasound method: This method is more accurate after the first gynecological visit.
- Known method of conception: based on artificial insemination or targeted intercourse.
Enter your data and get the result.
Enter your last menstrual period date, and the calculator will instantly provide you with:
- The expected date of conception.
- The expected date of delivery (266 days after conception).
The stages of pregnancy
First trimester
- Fertilization and implantation.
- Formation of the main organs.
- First, ultrasounds and prenatal tests.
Second trimester
- Rapid growth of the fetus.
- Possibility of knowing the sex of the child.
- Perceptible fetal movements.
Third trimester
- Maturation of organs.
- Increased fetal weight.
- Preparing for childbirth.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
How accurate is the calculator?
The calculator provides an estimate based on medical data, but a doctor must confirm the due date.
What happens if I have an irregular cycle?
The calculator may be less accurate; an ultrasound evaluation is recommended in these cases.
Our calculator is based on data provided by:
These sources confirm that pregnancy lasts an average of 40 weeks and emphasize the importance of regular prenatal visits.
Our calculator offers a useful first reference, but we invite you to consult a doctor for a more precise pregnancy evaluation.