Cookies are small text files stored by the computer when a user visits a site. The text stores information that the site can read when it is consulted later. Some of these cookies are necessary for the site’s correct functioning, and others are useful to the visitor because they store information for subsequent uses.
Why the Site uses cookies
Like many other sites, the Site uses cookies to analyze the traffic patterns of users who visit it and improve its services. In addition, the Site uses third-party services that, in turn, use cookies.
This is a list of the primary services used by the Site, with the relative links to the individual privacy policies and systems for excluding their cookies:
- Teads (Teads SA) is an advertising service provided by Teads SA.
- Google AdSense is an advertising service provided by Google Ireland Limited.
- Google Ad Manager is an advertising service provided by Google Ireland Limited.
- eBay Partner Network is a commercial affiliation service provided by eBay, Inc.
- Amazon Affiliation is a commercial affiliation service provided by Inc.
- Google Analytics is a web analysis service provided by Google Inc.
- YouTube and Vimeo are platforms for viewing and sharing videos.
- Awin is an advertising service provided by AG.
- Zanox is an advertising service provided by AG.
- Tradedoubler is an advertising service provided by TradeDoubler AG.
- ShynyStat (ShinyStat Business, ShinyStat Pro, or ShinyStat ISP) is a statistics service provided by Triboo Data Analytics SRL.
- Belboon is an advertising service.
- Kelkoo is an advertising service.
- Viralize is an advertising service.
- TheMoneytizer is an advertising service.
Browser manufacturers provide information on how to disable or manage cookies:
By closing the banner on the Post pages, you agree to the use of cookies.
This cookie policy was last updated on May 20, 2021. Any updates will always be posted on this link.